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is where the heart is

Hi there.

I'm Yannick Lohse, a 21-year-old-developer who enjoys coding fun/weird/interactive things (hence this website).

I'm from France and currently live there too. I work at a Management School as a webmaster doing both back end and front end work, as well as some design from time to time.

A part from this website, I also have some sort of blog where I post smaller pieces of work, or even unfinished work. Make sure to check it out if you want to see me in action.


My nights are spent on them

Over the years I worked, with friends or by myself, on a lot of projects which taught me much more than school ever did.

Many of them never saw daylight for different reasons. Some will rest forever in a lost folder on my computer, others have been published on my blog.

On this site however, you will only find the most important ones, either because they are actually finished, or because they are very important to me and still beeing worked on.


Guilty of everything in here

Find out more about what I did so far, in school and in mydifferent jobs.

Alternatively, you can also view my resumé in a (slightly) more standard shape (pdf). Print it out, make a paper plane out of it, or whatever you want. Just make sure you have fun with it.

About me

To be or not to be

If you're interested in what I do when I'm not coding (happens from time to time), this is the right place. These things are were I get my inspiration from, the energy & the karma, the ying & the yang. Read this now and get your share.


Or fictions?


Eead & Love


Sir Anion Pit